There is nothing wrong if you work in my dream to learn how to build your own a wise man once said. Everything is however wrong with when you steal the blocks of another man’s dream to build your own. What I have seen and experienced in life is that Read more…

How nothing became something

This is the historiography of how something began its journey as nothing. Time, space, matter and energy in a mysterious interplay Something then emerged from the Gulf of nothing Transmogrification, the game of the gods. Simplicity the root of complexity What became difficult started as what is simple Why do Read more…

He cares

When friends are no longer there And men no longer care Money now rare Leaving you with things that scare. Surely, it would seem life is unfair. Look on to He that is up there. To get what you need down here. He truly cares Your dear and faithful God Read more…

Too shocked to move.

I’m not angry. I’m not bitter. I’m in that mood. Too shocked to be moved. My emotions are alarmed. My thoughts are racing. Un-guarded utterances have hit me. Too shocked to be moved. Then I met a guardian angel. An emissary of peace. This is poison he said. You are Read more…

My Desire

I had a desire. Deeper than the deepest ocean. Higher than the highest mountain. So high, so deep, it makes me ache. I had a desire, So near, yet so far. So far, yet so near. I groan all day long. I had a desire. I slept and dreamt my Read more…